Custom Load Cells and Designs
Founded in 1985, Load Cell Central has been producing custom load cells for over three decades. When a standard, off-the-shelf load cell cannot be used, let Load Cell Central work with you to design and build the right load cell for your application. Read More
Recent Custom Load Cells Manufactured by Load Cell Central
Load Cell for Rocket Engine Thrust
These custom built, gauged bolt load cells were designed to measure rocket engine thrust with a capacity of 300,000 lbs. Find custom load cells for a wide variety of applications at Load Cell Central.
Triple Bridge Tension Link
Triple-bridge tension link load cells for measuring the force generated by a winch.
Load Cells for Portable Beds & Carts
Load cell originally designed for use under hospital beds is great for portable carts and tables.
3D Printed Load Cell Accessories
Custom 3D printed enclosure for planar beam load cell for use in a medical application.
Load Cells for Biomedical Applications
Biomedical applications: The S-type load cells are used in a portable patient lifting device, the single point load cells in dialysis equipment, and the load cell on the right is made for mammography equipment.
Load Cell Pins for Mining Shop Cranes
Custom load cell pin built for a mining company's shop crane. It replaced the sheave pin and was able to achieve a system accuracy of 0.5%. The model HSI-LC display has 5" digits that can be easily seen from 200' away.
Custom Strain Gauge Load Cell
Dissatisfied with the accuracy of their current hydraulic load cell, the customer requested a strain gauge type thru-hole load cell custom-built to measure the force on the tail stock of a lathe.
Replacement Hydraulic Load Cells
Replacement load cell built based on a hydraulic load cell that was damaged and sent to us in pieces.This load cell was used under a pillow block bearing in a wastewater treatment plant.
Custom Horseshoe-Shaped Load Cell
Horseshoe-shaped load cells custom engineered for a bearing manufacturer's 2.7 million pound capacity press.
We can design and build custom tension or compression load cells of any type. Choose from stainless steel, alloy steel, aluminum, or another material to meet your requirements. With cost in mind, environmental protection of alloy steel can be improved with zinc or nickel plating.
We can precision machine any dimension you need. Do you have discontinued load cells in place that are vital to your production? Let us evaluate the cell and provide an identical interchange.
Let us design the perfect load cell for your application!
Our engineers are eagerly awaiting your call. Specify any requirement you have and we will make it happen. Custom load cell outputs are available. These outputs include, but are not limited to: mV/V, 4-20mA, 0-5VDC, 0-10VDC, +/-10VDC, RS232, RS485, or USB.
We also have the capability to produce submersible load cells. For use in saltwater or freshwater to depths of up to and exceeding 4,000 meters, Load Cell Central can offer a suitable custom load cell.
Load Cell Central also offers dual bridge and triple bridge options.